Thursday, February 19, 2009

Not even grown up...

I hate how irresponsible I can be. I'm seeing it in lots of areas of my life right now, and it really does affect so many things...How are some people just so innately responsible and so good at making good decisions for their lives, and others are like me...?
I don't get it, and I'm really trying to change in this area of my life. My first step to that was making a call to Comcast and having to face the music. I had to face the consequences that my irresponsibility caused...I guess I can put it in as one of those invaluable experiences that allow you to see your weaknesses and make better choices...I'll have to or I'll never learn...

On a lighter note, I'm going to the Springs this weekend. I'm going to celebrate with my friend Kellie as she is getting closer to locking that ol' ball and chain. :) I'm also going down to spend some time with my good friend Kristy and I'm excited to get out of Longmont for a little bit...I'm hoping for some nice weather...While there, we are going to see a movie, the Shopaholic movie. I'm excited. Going, are of course me; and Mary, Karla, Kristy, Karen, and Kellie if she wishes to join us...It'll just be nice to be with a different crowd than usual and get to have a nice girls' weekend...

Plus, Mary and Karla are staying with me at my parents' house so I will get to see them and that will be good.

Maybe we can go to La Baguette for lunch on Saturday, and then walk around downtown. I'm hoping it will be a beautiful day like today, because then it will be wonderful to walk around downtown, as Acacia Park is fun during the day on the weekend.

I realize that this is a very rambly message, but I'm listening to some wonderful music on Pandora and just enjoying a short work day. I'm also realizing that my life may soon be without TV for a couple of months, and I'm trying to be okay with that. I know that sounds sad, but it's true. I rely a lot on TV for entertainment during the week. On the weekends it's not such a big deal, but at night when I come home from work, all I want to do is watch TV and veg...I'm really going to have to come up with more creative, better ways to spend my time I guess...

Well, I suppose I should go. We are having Meredith's going away party and I have to go with Christine to buy her a present before we get to you all later!

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