I made a To-DO list today. I put it in bold in size 48 font. I wonder if that will help me get caught up and stay on task. I guess only time will tell. I'm pretty much up for trying anything...I wonder if hypnosis would work. I am really bad at working in a timely manner. I have always worked best when I have no choice but to do the work because it is due. I have never started a paper early, or studied for a test if I knew I had any amount of extended time to do it. Some people at least start a project a little early, even if it isn't right when it is assigned. I have never been that person. I have always been the person to get a syllabus at the beginning of a semester, or get a job assignment a month before it is due, and wait until the night before, or the morning of to start it! What is wrong with me?! I don't even know how to break this habit. The problem with doing it now while I'm working is that I will have several things that will come due, and I won't be able to get everything done because I have saved it all to be done at the same time. The problem this presents is that I have specific guidelines and state regulations that dictate when things need to be turned in. My procrastination problem could cause major problems...and yet, here I am, writing a blog instead of doing the work that I need to do. Does anyone have a solution to this? I don't know how to force myself to do things ahead of time...It just doesn't seem to be in my nature.
I don't know. I mean, I'm the same way about homework for school. But I'm pretty timely about things at work. They actually make fun of me for getting things done too quickly. I guess the only thing I can say is to really pray and strive for better work practices. And maybe ban yourself from internet sites while at work...
How is the TO DO list working out for you? I keep forgetting to ask.
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