Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I swore I wouldn't do this...

Okay...I swore I would never do this, but here goes. I am writing the "BOY" blog. I started my blog with the intention of writing about whatever came to mind, but also with the intention that I would not allow it to become a venting session about boy troubles or how I'm single. I'm not defined by my marital status, and I didn't want my blog to be either.
Let me start off by saying that I am actually very happy in my life. I'm not sitting around saying, "Woe is me. I'm so sad that I'm single." I actually feel quite the opposite about how my life is. I enjoy my life. I enjoy my friends. I have an active social life. I don't feel like I am less of a person because I'm single. I enjoy my life and think that it is full, however, I do wish to one day be in a relationship with a wonderful person who I can share my full life with.
What I have found as I've grown older, is that there are no good guys around. Everyone will tell me different, but I know the truth. I have found none, and when I think I finally have found someone great, it turns out to be a lie. I am tired of guys who look great on paper, but turn out to be duds in real life. I am tired of finding a person that I think would be great, but then find out that he is actually a complete D-bag in reality.
It gets very frustrating when you think that you're a great person, but yet it seems that nothing will ever pan out. I think I am quite a catch, and it would just be great to find a guy who agrees, without putting me in the "friend zone." I absolutely hate the friend zone.
If I sound angry or annoyed, it's because I am. This is all coming because of specific guys in my life who have made it seem that there are no real men out there.
I wish I could stop with the search, and just find someone. Or just realize I am destined for singleness, so I can stop expecting to find someone.
I'm sorry. I know this sounds very bitter, but I'm almost 27 and I don't know if it will ever happen for me.
And please, any attached friends, don't try to make me feel like there are some out there. I'm just here venting and I'm not looking for you to tell me that you found your mate late in life, or that there really are great guys out there. I'm not looking for comfort, sympathy, or pity.
I just needed to get my frustrations out.
Any of you single ladies out there, who understand my plight, this is for you. We love our lives, we would just love to be able to stop apologizing for our shortcomings as single women...


Kristy said...

Here, here, sister!

Anonymous said...

Agreed! You know, I've had my fair share of "great guys turned d'bags" and I'm beginning to think there are no "good guys" just guys who treat you fairly. You're not wrong in wanting to know one way or another.
Great post Jenn!